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Start Blogging and generate money as a bloggers Today

Start Blogging and generate money as a bloggers Today

A lots of people are making money by writing blog where they share their ideas and tips on foods, fashion, photography, money-saving hints and other lifestyle interest through their blog.
If you are passionate about your hobby or you have mastered a skill, start creating awesome blog posts that is focused on helping people. This will help you quickly build traffic to your blog. Once you have traffic to your blog there are many ways you can monetize that traffic.
Earning potential
The amount of money you will earn via writing blog depends on factors such as your ongoing efforts towards producing great contents for your blog and your efforts towards growing your audience. I will show you in a moment popular ways bloggers are making money writing blog.
Blogging is like a consulting business which is a $415 billion industry. If you have something that you can teach or write about with authority, there is no reason why you should not be blogging, provided you have time and you will love doing it.
But all blogs are not created equal.
Not every kind of content will drive enough visitor’s traffic needed to turn a blog into money making machine. So before you decide what you are going to teach on your blog, do a little research to find out topic that can get lot of traffic and to which you can contribute meaningfully through your blog. Writing a blog for passion is different from writing a blog for money. When you blog for your passion, you write what pleases you. But when you decide to blog to make money, you have to write what pleases your target readers. When you are blogging for money, you are no more just a blogger, but you are also an entrepreneur and your bog is your business.
This is how typically most blogs make money
Traffic equals money, the more traffic you have the more money your blog will make. Writing a blog doesn’t make you money, it helps you get traffic that you can use to:
Show advertisement on your blog and earn moneySell ad space on your blog directly to advertisersEarn from Sponsored postsAffiliate links in your contentSell digital productsSell your serviceSell your blog for handsome money just as entrepreneurs sell their business
Bloggers typically make money from their blog in more than one ways. Even if you have little money coming in from various sources, it will add up to substantial amount.
Show advertisement on your blog through ad networks and earn money
This is the most widely used method I see bloggers use to make money from their blog, yet it is also the least profitable method. In this method you sell ad space on your blog for advertisement. Advertisers (companies) get to promote their product or services to your audience in exchange for a fee. You get paid either based on the number of clicks or impressions advertisement gets. Google Adsense is by far the most popular online advertising programs available. It is also the easiest to set up on your blog. You just have to place the banner on your blog and Google chooses to display ad that is relevant to your content. You can find advertisement for your blog at these popular ad networks
Google AdSenseBidvertiserChitikaClicksor
Sell ad space on your blog directly to advertisers
Majority of authority blogs that I have come across, I haven’t seen them using ad networks as their preferred option to sell their ad space. If your blog is attracting enough traffic, advertisers will come directly to you for ad space on your blog. You can also contact them directly. Since there are no middle man (ad networks) involved, you can set your own ad rates and earn premium value on your ad space.
Earn from Sponsored posts
Many bloggers make money by writing sponsored posts on their blog. They write or give review of an advertiser’s product or service. If you want to earn from sponsored ads, be upfront and disclose your relationship to your readers. Keep the amount of sponsored posts on your blog to minimum.
Affiliate links in your content
Through affiliate marketing you can earn much more than what you can earn from clicks and impressions. That’s because in affiliate marketing you get commission for every sales that happen through your affiliate link. There are companies like Amazon that offer affiliate program. When you signup as an affiliate, you are given affiliate link which you can place in your article or link it to banner ads. Affiliate link is unique to every blogger and helps track your affiliate code. Advertisers pays you commission (sales percentage) when a visitor from your website ends up buying a product. Here are some great websites to get loads of affiliate opportunities:
Amazon affiliateClick bankSkimlinksAffliatewindowShareasale
Sell digital products
If you don’t want to show ads on your blog or don’t want to promote other people’s products on your blog, you can make money selling your own digital products. Here are some examples of what you can sell.
eBooksThemesWorkshopsWebinarsOnline course
Online courses, eBooks and themes are permanent form of work. You don’t have to re-create them over and over each time you sell them. This will help you stop trading your hours for money. Whatever product you consider to develop, it should be of real value to people. The product that you develop should be related to your blog. Since your blog projects you as an expert and authority figure in the field you blog about, creating a product related to your blog increases its success. Moreover you also have existing audience of people who trust and follow you; they are ready market for your product.
Sell your services (writer, editor, speaker, consultant etc)
You can use the credibility and trust you have build through great contents to offer your service as a freelancer, speaker, coach or consultant. Blog is an excellent medium to position yourself as an expert and then provide your services you specialize in. You can use your blog to showcase your skill and build your credibility.
I have not described all the possible ways bloggers are making money from their blog. There are many more ways you will learn gradually over time. This is just to give you a head start. You shouldn’t be afraid to try out various ways of making money from your blog. It is only when you try that you will learn what works best for you and your visitors.
The best way to build a profitable blog
There are much more people in blogging business than you can possibly imagine. But ironically more than 60% bloggers are making less than $500. It’s not because blogging world is over saturated, but because they are making efforts in the wrong direction. Here are some tips that you should heed to if you want to build a profitable blogging business.
Pick a niche you are passionate about
Blogging won’t give you overnight success. It may take 6 months to 3 three years before you will earn your first dollar. Building your blog around topic you are passionate about will help you stay motivated and keep writing day after day for years to come. Most high performing bloggers post blog several times a day.
Target niche that is underserved but still has sizable audience
Build your blog around topic which receives relatively high interest. Profit potential of your blog directly depended on the amount of traffic it receives. Pick a niche where you know you can easily build huge audience bases in a short amount of time. You can do this by writing about something people are interested in.
Make it visually appealing
There are thousands of blogs on any given topic. Regardless of how talented writer you are, unless you pay attention to visual presentation of your blog, it will be difficult to cut through the competition. Visit blogs of high performing bloggers in your niche to indentify professional layout and avoid mistakes beginners commonly make. Add few images to make your article visually appealing. Here are few sites where you can get royalty free images.
You should also learn photography and image editing tools. There are many free online tools available where you can do some quick editing.
Connect with other bloggers
If you only read the comment sections of some of the most successful bloggers you will know how many of them know each other. In fact you will find many successful bloggers sharing and cross promoting each other’s posts on their blog, social media and eNewsletter. Look for creative ways to associate with other bloggers. You can start with me, honestly. My email ID is [email protected]
I have tried my best to provide you as much information as I can. But it is literally impossible to pour down every bit of information in a single post. But if there is something very important that I have missed out, do let me know and I will update my comment.
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